Thursday, November 7, 2013

Have you heard from Johannesburg! (A spoken word by Seth Naicker)

Have you heard from Johannesburg! The city of gold it was known to be, now there is a whole lot of platinum floating around and its not for free:):) In fact, you may find it quite appalling- But Bodies have been brutally falling! a land almost 19 years ago that triumphed over Apartheid in one sense- has already seen the failings of political hegemony and Christian acquiescence! Have you heard from Johannesburg! The Marikana mine uprisings resulted in loss life, police on civilians, and vice versa, but who cares about black on black strife! The mine owners sat in their cushion offices While mine workers voiced their anger at their bosses...... Have you heard from Johannesburg? Our honorable Madiba has lived to see the sunset on many a human atrocity, so much for Freedom, equality, and human dignity! It is reported that our revered Father of our nation is not at that place of peace to say his final farewell- It maybe that Madiba is waiting for one amongst his comrades who will ensure that he or she- will not their souls too sell..... Have you' heard from Johannesburg! We have seen a blade running global phenomenon- who was happy and glorious- but now he is quite notorious Watch out for power Don't be blind and just follow- For what can be here today may very well be long gone in the morrow! Have you heard from Johannesburg! The night lights, busy streets, kind of city buzzes with vigor vibrancy and sometimes a whole lot of volatility Have you heard from Johannesburg? So there we have it what I would call critical collection of reflective thought about Johannesburg what we know as Jozi or as of late Mzansi.... But if I were to leave us all right here hanging my word would not be true to the social beat banging. Have you heard from Johannesburg! I am honored to inform the who so ever that Johannesburg is a place where many a people really put to practice never say never Have you heard from Johannesburg! I believe humbly that there are those amongst us, fiery fantabulous folk WE who seek to innovate, & initiate, resisting the shuck and jive or should I say the social hegemony choke Have you heard from Johannesburg! There is a young lady- I'll call her lady X to maintain her confidentiality! In grade 10- she survives 2 rapacious acts of sexual violence- living in a family where love is expressed in a culture of physical violence and emotional negligence! But lady X is stepping out believing she is able- Of overcoming life's challenges she feels capable! Lady X has graduated you see- most recently from a leadership academy! Herein Lady X has been immersed in a value base experiential learning week- where she has begun to establish her healing, her strength, and ability to head to her mountain peak! Have you heard from Johannesburg! It is lady X and many more like her who are overcoming the most ridiculous kind of social, family, and community evils- As they seek to do their best to create and take action to design solutions for their social reality upheavals. Have you heard from Johannesburg! Now as we look forward to our 20 year democracy- Alutta continua is required with fierce urgency! May we proclaim that the struggles continues- for our rights to safety- education, work, and human dignity! Have you heard from Johannesburg! So I am hopeful for the future of our nation- As I am honored to work with amongst and alongside people who have great determination We who desire to go the distance in faith hope and love kind of unity- As we bring change and build beloved community!!!!! Have you heard from Johannesburg! Seth Naicker, Reconciliation Entrepreneur, @ indiAfrique

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good word, bro!
Looking forward to see you in the future!