Thursday, December 16, 2010

its RECONCILIATION day - and don't forget it

Today is our national day of reconciliation. A day that is dedicated for our country to behold the beauty of our transition from an oppressive apartheid regime to the glorious landing of democracy.

People should rejoice and really blow the vuvuselas on this day. There should be a national celebration on this day. We should commemorate it with passionate and creative concepts that could turn into national events all across South Africa.

We should have people meeting in public spaces around braais,bryani and boerewors rolls. There should be community parties where neighbours and community residents take time to celebrate at their community park or at the local swimming pool.

It would be amazing to have a movie launch on this day, with young people flocking to their local cinemas to get a piece of the action. The movie could be premised with a motivational speaker inspiring our youth about reconciliation ideals. All across the nation reconciliation engagement through the mediums of movies, wow it would be powerful.

I could imagine religious leaders all across the land, holding special services for people to come together to pray, make petition, and chorus in praise for this blessed day of reconciliation.

But the reality is that all the verbage just penned above, are just words of wishful dreaming and imagination. It could become reality, but the foundation of our democracy would have to be refined. The state of the nation is not at place to celebrate this day, because there are many who have grown sceptic and hopeless. People feel the doom and gloom of a democracy that has left millions of our people to the depressing reality of political freedom without economic enfranchisement.

May we, those who believe in reconciliation rise with righteous anger, and with faith, hope and love, propel this wonderful value, ethic and inspired "highest agenda" of God- Reconciliation. The hope for our beloved South Africa lies in the everyday actions of those of us who have the means to throw a pebble into a pond, and watch it spiral into a movement for reconciliation action and reconciliation ideals. May our means bring aid to a reconciliation end.

May reconciliation reign from Cape town to Soweto, from the mountain tops to valleys so low. May reconciliation reign from suburbs to townships, may it reign from parliament to pretoria, may it reign from rolling hills of Kwazulu-Natal to the peaks of the Drakensberg. Let reconciliation fill our land and establish for our people a present reality of tangible change that will secure a future where South Africa truly belongs to us all.

Let reconciliation reign in our helping of the poor, let it reign in our work place and unions, let it reign for the domestic and casual labourers, and in the board rooms of the corporate gurus and their boards.
Let RECONCILIATION reign in your heart and mine.

A blessed and consciousness rising RECONCILIATION day to us all!!

Seth Naicker!

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