Thursday, July 18, 2013
Walking in the footsteps of Tata Madiba- our RECONCILIATION inspiration.
Let's get real and authentic with RECONCILIATION- for too many people are sick of weak declaration and cheap proclamation!!
Will we be true to the call of seeing no one from a racialised, unjust, and prejudiced point of view- for this is a precursor of RECONCILIATION- that many people read right past and forget to reflect on, and pay attention.
So how then do I begin to see people whom I deem the other- will I have the boldness to see the wholeness of another.
Madiba upon his release from prison reached out to Betsy Verwoerd- to the wife of the architect of Apartheid he demonstrated humanity and brotherhood.
Will I throw off, and lay down my judgment and fear of the unknown- and enter into a common place of solidarity, where acceptance and understanding is enthroned.
Madiba took time to groom and mentor former MK militant operators- into men and woman who respect, embrace, and understand the actions and insanity of former- crimes against humanity perpetrators.
Oh how we are encouraged to consider and see RECONCILIATION- in its complex form of race, class, and gender fragmentation- for when it is made just black and white like simple- its is then that we are rudely awakened by gender based and xenophobic violence in our nation.
It is unfortunate that Madiba has had to see the sun setting on many a post Apartheid human depravity, but for the sake of Madiba's legacy may we propel that vision of a beloved community.
There comes a time when some one has got to stand- would it not be most amazing instead- if a beloved community cried out for our land.
Madiba has invested his life into the work of healing, forgiveness, and RECONCILIATION- and we must acknowledge that there are many who have become ambassadors of unity in diversity celebration.
A moment for movement has once again been supplied-the life, love and legacy of Madiba cannot be denied- a worthy social intervention rooted in Ubuntu values must be tried.
For it takes significant events to ensure a process-but let our yes be yes and our no be no-if we are to make significant progress.
Progress in the way that I see, value, and acknowledge thee other, and do away with religious preconceived ideas that just become a bother.
So on the 95th birthday of Tata Madiba - here lies for me, us and we an opportunity-Lets make authentic RECONCILIATION a social reality.
A blessed birthday our healer, leader and legend-MADIBA.
Seth Naicker.
RECONCILIATION entrepreneur.
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