Thursday, November 7, 2013
Have you heard from Johannesburg! (A spoken word by Seth Naicker)
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
The city of gold it was known to be, now there is a whole lot of platinum floating around and its not for free:):)
In fact, you may find it quite appalling-
But Bodies have been brutally falling!
a land almost 19 years ago that triumphed over Apartheid in one sense-
has already seen the failings of political hegemony and Christian acquiescence!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
The Marikana mine uprisings resulted in loss life, police on civilians, and vice versa,
but who cares about black on black strife!
The mine owners sat in their cushion offices
While mine workers voiced their anger at their bosses......
Have you heard from Johannesburg?
Our honorable Madiba has lived to see the sunset on many a human atrocity,
so much for Freedom, equality, and human dignity!
It is reported that our revered Father of our nation
is not at that place of peace to say his final farewell-
It maybe that Madiba is waiting for one amongst his comrades who will ensure
that he or she- will not their souls too sell.....
Have you' heard from Johannesburg!
We have seen a blade running global phenomenon-
who was happy and glorious-
but now he is quite notorious
Watch out for power
Don't be blind and just follow-
For what can be here today
may very well be long gone in the morrow!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
The night lights, busy streets, kind of city
buzzes with vigor vibrancy and sometimes a whole lot of volatility
Have you heard from Johannesburg?
So there we have it
what I would call critical collection of reflective thought about Johannesburg what we know as Jozi or as of late Mzansi....
But if I were to leave us all right here hanging
my word would not be true to the social beat banging.
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
I am honored to inform the who so ever
that Johannesburg is a place where many a people really put to practice never say never
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
I believe humbly that there are those amongst us,
fiery fantabulous folk
WE who seek to innovate, & initiate, resisting the shuck and jive or should I say the social hegemony choke
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
There is a young lady-
I'll call her lady X to maintain her confidentiality!
In grade 10- she survives 2 rapacious acts of sexual violence-
living in a family where love is expressed in a culture of physical violence and emotional negligence!
But lady X is stepping out believing she is able-
Of overcoming life's challenges she feels capable!
Lady X has graduated you see-
most recently from a leadership academy!
Herein Lady X has been immersed in a value base experiential learning week-
where she has begun to establish her healing, her strength, and ability to head to her mountain peak!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
It is lady X and many more like her who are overcoming the most ridiculous kind of social, family, and community evils-
As they seek to do their best to create and take action to design solutions for their social reality upheavals.
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
Now as we look forward to our 20 year democracy-
Alutta continua is required with fierce urgency!
May we proclaim that the struggles continues-
for our rights to safety- education, work, and human dignity!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
So I am hopeful for the future of our nation-
As I am honored to work with amongst and alongside people who have great determination
We who desire to go the distance in faith hope and love kind of unity-
As we bring change and build beloved community!!!!!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
Seth Naicker,
Reconciliation Entrepreneur,
@ indiAfrique
Have you heard from Johannesburg! (A spoken word by Seth Naicker)
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
The city of gold it was known to be, now there is a whole lot of platinum floating around and its not for free:):)
In fact, you may find it quite appalling-
But Bodies have been brutally falling!
a land almost 19 years ago that triumphed over Apartheid in one sense-
has already seen the failings of political hegemony and Christian acquiescence!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
The Marikana mine uprisings resulted in loss of life, police on civilians, and vice versa,
but who cares about black on black strife!
The mine owners sat in their cushion offices
While mine workers voiced their anger at their bosses......
Have you heard from Johannesburg?
Our honorable Madiba has lived to see the sunset on many a human atrocity,
so much for Freedom, equality, and human dignity!
It is reported that our revered Father of our nation
is not at that place of peace to say his final farewell-
It maybe that Madiba is waiting for one amongst his comrades who will ensure
that he or she- will not their souls too sell.....
Have you' heard from Johannesburg!
We have seen a blade running global phenomenon-
who was happy and glorious-
but now he is quite notorious
Watch out for power
Don't be blind and just follow-
For what can be here today
may very well be long gone in the morrow!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
The night lights, busy streets, kind of city
buzzes with vigor vibrancy and sometimes a whole lot of volatility
Have you heard from Johannesburg?
So there we have it
what I would call critical collection of reflective thought about Johannesburg what we know as Jozi or as of late Mzansi....
But if I were to leave us all right here hanging
my word would not be true to the social beat banging.
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
I am honored to inform the who so ever
that Johannesburg is a place where many a people really put to practice never say never
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
I believe humbly that there are those amongst us,
fiery fantabulous folk
WE who seek to innovate, & initiate, resisting the shuck and jive or should I say the social hegemony choke
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
There is a young lady-
I'll call her lady X to maintain her confidentiality!
In grade 10- she survives 2 rapacious acts of sexual violence-
living in a family where love is expressed in a culture of physical violence and emotional negligence!
But lady X is stepping out believing she is able-
Of overcoming life's challenges she feels capable!
Lady X has graduated you see-
most recently from a leadership academy!
Herein Lady X has been immersed in a value base experiential learning week-
where she has begun to establish her healing, her strength, and ability to head to her mountain peak!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
It is lady X and many more like her who are overcoming the most ridiculous kind of social, family, and community evils-
As they seek to do their best to create and take action to design solutions for their social reality upheavals.
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
Now as we look forward to our 20 year democracy-
Alutta continua is required with fierce urgency!
May we proclaim that the struggles continues-
for our rights to safety- education, work, and human dignity!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
So I am hopeful for the future of our nation-
As I am honored to work with amongst and alongside people who have great determination
We who desire to go the distance in faith hope and love kind of unity-
As we bring change and build beloved community!!!!!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
Seth Naicker,
Reconciliation Entrepreneur,
@ indiAfrique
Have you heard from Johannesburg! (A spoken word by Seth Naicker)
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
The city of gold it was known to be, now there is a whole lot of platinum floating around and its not for free:):)
In fact, you may find it quite appalling-
But Bodies have been brutally falling!
a land almost 19 years ago that triumphed over Apartheid in one sense-
has already seen the failings of political hegemony and Christian acquiescence!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
The Marikana mine uprisings resulted in loss life, police on civilians, and vice versa,
but who cares about black on black strife!
The mine owners sat in their cushion offices
While mine workers voiced their anger at their bosses......
Have you heard from Johannesburg?
Our honorable Madiba has lived to see the sunset on many a human atrocity,
so much for Freedom, equality, and human dignity!
It is reported that our revered Father of our nation
is not at that place of peace to say his final farewell-
It maybe that Madiba is waiting for one amongst his comrades who will ensure
that he or she- will not their souls too sell.....
Have you' heard from Johannesburg!
We have seen a blade running global phenomenon-
who was happy and glorious-
but now he is quite notorious
Watch out for power
Don't be blind and just follow-
For what can be here today
may very well be long gone in the morrow!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
The night lights, busy streets, kind of city
buzzes with vigor vibrancy and sometimes a whole lot of volatility
Have you heard from Johannesburg?
So there we have it
what I would call critical collection of reflective thought about Johannesburg what we know as Jozi or as of late Mzansi....
But if I were to leave us all right here hanging
my word would not be true to the social beat banging.
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
I am honored to inform the who so ever
that Johannesburg is a place where many a people really put to practice never say never
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
I believe humbly that there are those amongst us,
fiery fantabulous folk
WE who seek to innovate, & initiate, resisting the shuck and jive or should I say the social hegemony choke
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
There is a young lady-
I'll call her lady X to maintain her confidentiality!
In grade 10- she survives 2 rapacious acts of sexual violence-
living in a family where love is expressed in a culture of physical violence and emotional negligence!
But lady X is stepping out believing she is able-
Of overcoming life's challenges she feels capable!
Lady X has graduated you see-
most recently from a leadership academy!
Herein Lady X has been immersed in a value base experiential learning week-
where she has begun to establish her healing, her strength, and ability to head to her mountain peak!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
It is lady X and many more like her who are overcoming the most ridiculous kind of social, family, and community evils-
As they seek to do their best to create and take action to design solutions for their social reality upheavals.
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
Now as we look forward to our 20 year democracy-
Alutta continua is required with fierce urgency!
May we proclaim that the struggles continues-
for our rights to safety- education, work, and human dignity!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
So I am hopeful for the future of our nation-
As I am honored to work with amongst and alongside people who have great determination
We who desire to go the distance in faith hope and love kind of unity-
As we bring change and build beloved community!!!!!
Have you heard from Johannesburg!
Seth Naicker,
Reconciliation Entrepreneur,
@ indiAfrique
Thursday, October 17, 2013
We are the Children of Abraham
Bonnie Sue Lewis
Dubuque, Iowa
October 12, 2013

We are the Children of Abraham gathered together on an unusually warm October evening, in Dubuque Iowa. We are students, teachers, doctors, pastors, businessmen and women, infants and retirees. We are Muslims, Christians and Jews from around the world, and the nation, who find ourselves now living in the heartland of America. We are becoming family.
The room buzzes with the friendly greetings of those who haven’t seen each other since our last gathering a month ago, and of those who see each other regularly at work or worship in their own faith communities. There is a sense of excitement and anticipation as we settle into our seats, coffee in hand, to listen to a Christian brother visiting from South Africa, Seth Naicker and his wife, Merrishia. They come to share about the work of God in reconciliation and inter-faith relationships taking place in post-apartheid South Africa. There is a hush as Dr. John Eby, professor of history at Loras College who is not only our host this evening, but the major convener and principle architect of the Children of Abraham, introduces the Naickers. Seth takes the mike and opens by turning us to our neighbors in a show of welcome: we clap, rub hands together and then extend them outward toward those next to us in a “shower of love.” We laugh, welcoming others around us in this manner, and then turn back to Seth. In a pastoral but prophetic voice, he draws us into his world of a nascent democracy with a long history of injustice and pain. But Seth’s words come to us as words of hope. He tells us the story of his memtor and long standing friend, Ismail Vadi, a Muslim, who participated as formal respondee in Seth’s ordination into Christian ministry on July 8th, 2007. He shares of Christians, Muslims and Hindus living together and building communities of support and caring in the midst of peoples still in need of healing and reconciliation who bear the scars of the divisions of apartheid. He speaks of sharing sacred spaces and coming together to pray with one another, regardless of religious affiliation. He calls us to resist a “lazy pluralism” for an “active solidarity” with those who seek God, and with whom we may differ in our understanding of God, but whom God has placed in our neighborhood. He closes in song, a witness to his faith in Christ Jesus and a hymn of praise to God’s glory. We are all moved.
The three respondents are long-time members of the Children of Abraham: Dr. Adib Kassas, a psychiatrist with Medical Associates and Imam of the local Tri-States Islamic Center, Dr. Donald Wood, a Jewish professor of Spanish at Clarke University, and Dr. Bonnie Sue Lewis, a Presbyterian professor of mission at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. All three express their appreciation to their guests in behalf of the gathered community. Bonnie Sue lifts up Seth’s call for us to move beyond pluralism to solidarity, beyond toleration of one another to standing with one another. This is what Jesus calls us to: not just putting up with one another, but loving one another, turning the other cheek when wronged, praying for the one who suffers you harm. And this takes commitment to one another, taking opportunity to build relationships with one another, seeking to honor God and one another, as is what the Children of Abraham have been participating in over the last three years. Donnie Wood echoes the theme of our call to love and reconciliation as spelled out in the Talmudic texts. He affirms that what we do here is holy and a response to our love for God and God’s love for us.
When Adib takes the mike, he expresses his profound gratitude for Seth’s encouragement to seek reconciliation, for his call to live in peace with one another, and for his witness to the fact that this is possible even in the face of grave injustice and suffering. A native of Syria, Adib acknowledges the sorrow and deep pain of his own people in the midst of his country’s disintegration into chaos. “How can we even begin to recover peace in Syria, heal the divisions, and forgive one another?” he asks plaintively. His cry is echoed by Dubuque seminary student, Gilo Agwa, a native of Ethiopia whose people, the Nuer, have suffered death at the hands of warring militias and who, himself is now in asylum in the U.S. “Where do we begin?”
Both Seth and Merrishia respond by affirming what we are doing here, in this place. It is a beginning, an opportunity to build friendships and a safe place to get to know one another, overcome prejudices, listen to the “other.” It is the chance to move beyond stereotypes and enable trust in one another and in God to lead us in the pursuit of peace. Because God is a big God, this effort toward developing relationships of trust carries the potential of extending even beyond Dubuque.
A series of conversations between Jews, Muslims and Christians, the Children of Abraham is open to the public of Dubuque. This is a small city of approximately 70,000 people, located on the Mississippi in a region where religious diversity is relatively new and traditional Christian culture is rooted deeply in society. The Children of Abraham was initiated through the establishment of personal relationships between specific individuals, some of which developed out of a weekly Qur’an study hosted by Loras College (a Catholic liberal arts college) that preceded the Children of Abraham series. A few individuals agreed that they would like to try to create a public conversation between differing faith traditions as a way to model civil discourse, facilitate learning about other religious perspectives, and, most importantly, build positive, strong relationships between people of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds.
The Children of Abraham has been meeting monthly for three years, with an average attendance of about 70. The conversations it facilitates are thematically organized. There is always a speaker from each of the three Abrahamic traditions, sometimes men, sometimes women, of varying ages and ethnic backgrounds. Participation is encouraged by including questions for discussion, and lively conversation is the norm. The program, however, views listening as the most important tool in relationship-building and therefore each host consistently reminds participants that the event is not a debate. There is no effort to convert or proselytize. Each speaker (and each person in the room) is simply speaking out of his or her own experience of a faith tradition, not speaking for that faith tradition.
A final but crucial aspect of the Children of Abraham program has been that most of its meetings are hosted in sacred spaces, in various houses of worship – Christian, Muslim, and Jewish. This helps to transform the image of such spaces from something uncertain and divisive to a place that is welcoming and knowable. As this evening’s meeting closes, many gather around the Naickers to express thanks. Plans are made for next month’s gathering, dinner invitations are extended, Adib invites Seth to speak at Friday prayer at the mosque. We are the Children of Abraham seeking to glorify God by loving God and all of God’s children.

Friday, August 9, 2013
the FIRE in my life
On this woman's day I am considering - the woman who have in my life made an offering- of service, sacrifice, love- remaining most awesome and wonderfully mind boggling:)
I am grateful for my mother- Elenor Joyce Naicker- for the gift of life- and your service of community in the midst of many a social strife.
What about all the other mothers?- my big mother, small mother, in law mother, and grand mothers? For all these mothers major gratitude for the giving, loving, spending, and informing of my attitude!
I am grateful for my sister, from her early days I cuddled now hug, what a joy to encourage, irritate and to bug!
What about all my other sisters-in laws, cousins, and beloved community friends? I am grateful for how you challenge, encourage, and remind me- of the ways of our world and the prejudice that you as a woman can see!
I am grateful for my teachers (Dawn Naidoo, Karen McKinney, & Merrishia Singh-Naicker), for the coaching, mentoring, and teaching- that has changed, and revolutionized my life practice and my social change preaching!
I am most grateful for the woman of my I love eternal- it is in her arms and with her love- that I remain filled with purpose, passion and motivational- my wifie Merrishia- you are my rock that I will never strike- unless I intend to hit the dock:)
I am eternally grateful for my daughter Mahalia- you are truly my strong, tender shining light Khanya.
These woman are to me like Fire:
They are Fierce
They are Inspirational
They are Revolutionary
They are Enriching
To the WOMAN in my life I respect you, honor you, and love you. Thank you for the FIRE that you bring to my life, the lives, of our family, and our community.
Viva WOMAN Viva!!!!!
Seth Naicker.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Walking in the footsteps of Tata Madiba- our RECONCILIATION inspiration.
Let's get real and authentic with RECONCILIATION- for too many people are sick of weak declaration and cheap proclamation!!
Will we be true to the call of seeing no one from a racialised, unjust, and prejudiced point of view- for this is a precursor of RECONCILIATION- that many people read right past and forget to reflect on, and pay attention.
So how then do I begin to see people whom I deem the other- will I have the boldness to see the wholeness of another.
Madiba upon his release from prison reached out to Betsy Verwoerd- to the wife of the architect of Apartheid he demonstrated humanity and brotherhood.
Will I throw off, and lay down my judgment and fear of the unknown- and enter into a common place of solidarity, where acceptance and understanding is enthroned.
Madiba took time to groom and mentor former MK militant operators- into men and woman who respect, embrace, and understand the actions and insanity of former- crimes against humanity perpetrators.
Oh how we are encouraged to consider and see RECONCILIATION- in its complex form of race, class, and gender fragmentation- for when it is made just black and white like simple- its is then that we are rudely awakened by gender based and xenophobic violence in our nation.
It is unfortunate that Madiba has had to see the sun setting on many a post Apartheid human depravity, but for the sake of Madiba's legacy may we propel that vision of a beloved community.
There comes a time when some one has got to stand- would it not be most amazing instead- if a beloved community cried out for our land.
Madiba has invested his life into the work of healing, forgiveness, and RECONCILIATION- and we must acknowledge that there are many who have become ambassadors of unity in diversity celebration.
A moment for movement has once again been supplied-the life, love and legacy of Madiba cannot be denied- a worthy social intervention rooted in Ubuntu values must be tried.
For it takes significant events to ensure a process-but let our yes be yes and our no be no-if we are to make significant progress.
Progress in the way that I see, value, and acknowledge thee other, and do away with religious preconceived ideas that just become a bother.
So on the 95th birthday of Tata Madiba - here lies for me, us and we an opportunity-Lets make authentic RECONCILIATION a social reality.
A blessed birthday our healer, leader and legend-MADIBA.
Seth Naicker.
RECONCILIATION entrepreneur.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
The following thoughts I penned down on on the morning of the 21st of March, 2011.
It was sent as an e-mail communication that was then published online, and was engaged via -mail communication s people responded with affirmation, and more critical thought as to the social concern of human rights.
Today while we enjoy our public holiday, we must be in tune with the origins of this day March 21st- a day impacted by the painful and traumatic loss of life captured in the title "Sharpeville Massacre 1960".
"On Monday, 21 March in 1960 police opened fire, without order, on a crowd that had gathered at the Sharpeville station to protest pass laws, stipulations that required Africans to carry books and produce them for law enforcement officials on request; 69 unarmed people were killed and another 180 were injured." (Cape Town
Today we live in a democracy where people can move freely without the dehumanising process of being regulated by a pass book or as it was known back then 'dompass'-meaning stupid pass.
However while the dompass is no longer required in our post Apartheid and 2 decade old democracy, we must ask ourselves:
•what is our modern day dompass?
•what access is denied to people and upon what bias?
•who are the gate keepers regulating the dompass and who is trying to get in?
•am I gate keeping or am dompass burning.
I still see the dompass when people have to ask for access to what is their human right! The right to quality education, the right to work, the right to eat, the right to shelter, the right to speak, the right to disagree etc.
We have walked a long road to Freedom as a nation, but the journey is far from over and the quality of the Freedom is still riddled and gated with modern day dompass injustices.
May ours hearts and pursuit of justice, equality and human rights continue to beat in our every breath that we take and every step that we make, remembering that our human rights are resting on the shoulders of people who were had to fight and die for us to acquire our right to humanity.
A blessed human rights day!
Seth Naicker

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